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Anti-Aging Eating

Submitted By: Colleen Palat

In this day and age, people are living longer and longer, which is fantastic news for us all! Human advances in medicine and other pertinent areas have extended the average lifespan for humans to 77.2 years!

A longer lifespan is great news for us all, yet as we get older, it's typical to experience a variety of aged-related problems. While living longer is our goal, I think we all agree we can do without the physical aging part. What can be done to combat the aging process?

Recently, scientists have identified some key nutrients in food that can help with anti-aging.

Heart disease, memory loss, and wrinkles, to name a few, are all aging symptoms we will all experience sooner or later due to free radicals.

Free radicals are harmful oxygen molecules that damage our cells leading to several age-related problems. But how can we combat these free radicals? By eating citrus fruits! Their abundant source of vitamin C helps prevent wrinkles, protects our arteries, and reduces our risk of heart disease and stroke.

What foods are best for anti-aging?

Spinach and Grapefruit.

Spinach is rich with carotenoids, which help to protect the eye from macular degeneration (a leading cause of blindness in the elderly).

Grapefruit is full of glutathione, which helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Tomatoes and Watermelon.

Tomatoes and watermelon both contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. They are so powerful; they can even help to prevent the growth of tumors!

Other Important Nutrients

As we age, our appetite naturally slows down and our body absorbs fewer nutrients, as it once was able to do. Couple that with the fact that many of us simply do not eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and we have a diet that is lacking. To make sure you get in the right amount of nutrients everyday, include the following in your diet to insure that you are giving your body what it needs.

Beta-Carotene: This can be found in carrots, yellow squash, and bright colored vegetables. This antioxidant helps prevent wrinkles, dry skin, cataracts, heart disease, and cancer. One sweet potato gives your body about 15 mg. of beta-carotene: the amount doctors recommend we take in each day.

Vitamin E: Nuts, wheat germ, and cooking oil. Consuming the right amount of vitamin E can cut the risk of heart disease in half. All you need is just 2 tsp. of sunflower seeds a day to get in half of this important nutrient.

Zinc and Calcium: These are the two most important minerals in your diet! Calcium can be found in dairy foods, and green, leafy vegetables. Calcium is crucial for preventing osteoporosis! Zinc can be found in meats and shellfish, which help to keep the immune system strong.

B Vitamins: B vitamins help to maintain our energy and keep our nerves and brain healthy. You can find B vitamins in leafy greens, potatoes, bananas, meats, and legumes.

Our nutritional needs change as we age, so make sure your diet changes along with what your body needs. Paying just a little more attention will help you life a longer life of health and vitality!

About the Author:

Colleen is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves to pass on the latest information on health and wellness. Sign up for your free e-newsletter filled with cutting-edge information on health, nutrition, weight loss, and fitness. For your free e-newsletter, visit

Article Tags: diet, longer, nutrients

Read more articles by: Colleen Palat
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Permanent Link: Article published on March 25, 2008 at
