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Does Walking Works in Natural Weight Loss?

It is a very common question which often arises in our mind that does walking really helpful in natural weight loss. We will be surprised to know that just thirty minutes of quick walking everyday is very much beneficial for our health and also helps in rapid weight loss.

Walking is also helpful in other diseases like heart problems, diabetes, hypertension, depression, respiratory problems and back pain. While walking every muscle of our body moves and thus improves blood circulation. It also improves body metabolism. It keeps us refresh and mentally fit. It brings in good health accompanied by high self confidence and vigor.

Exercises also increase our physical work and therefore can be very beneficial in our weight loss programs. Exercises improve the tone and quality of muscle tissue and stimulate the processes of digestions, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. It strengthens blood vessels, lungs, and heart, resulting in improved transfer of oxygen to the cells and increased circulation. Dancing or rhythmic exercise is often an enjoyable way to exercise and lose weight, by toning the body. Stretching is a natural exercise that should be practiced on a regular basis, and is a good habit to develop. It can improve energy and endurance, stimulate circulation, and alleviate stiffness.

Other natural weight loss options are swimming, aerobics, cycling or playing soccer. The only key to loose weight is to increase our physical activities and improves metabolism. The best way to lose weight is doing activities or exercises that we enjoy and can have fun with.
So before anyone call us overweight or obese, we must make a habit of daily walking and doing exercises. In younger age it’s still easy to fight diseases and survive heart attacks. But health becomes vital as we grow old. So we must follow healthy food patterns; eat plenty of salads and fruits, increase carbohydrate intake and walk for an hour a day.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read more about Natural Weight Loss. Visit Natural Cure Health Guide for easy and effective home treatment for common ailments.

How to lose Weight with Hoodia and how to stay Slim

You heard everything about my ongoing struggle with my weight, from childhood until today. Now, to finalise my story, I will tell you all about: How to lose weight with Hoodia - and I also want to tell you how I still manage my weight with Hoodia Gordonii.

When I got my first bottles of Hoodia Gordonii, I had read the few informations and articles which existed about “How to lose weight with Hoodia”, by heart. So, without much delay, I immediately started with the Hoodia diet, just as written on the bottle: about 1 hour before every meal I took the Hoodia together with a big glass of water. At first I took 2 capsules before lunch and 2 before dinner, but after about 6 months, I went down to one.

And that is basically it: how to lose weight is no secret anymore for me, quite contrary, how to lose weight is as easy as eating, if you use Hoodia Gordonii.

But let’s start at the beginning. For the first two days I actually did not feel any less hungry, than I felt before and I thought already that Hoodia was just another scam. (Today I know that it can take up to 72 hours, before Hoodia really connects with the brain.) but then on the third day, my hunger was basically gone and from then on my lunch and my dinner were always considerably smaller than before. “How to lose weight with Hoodia” – it started to get really interesting and exiting.

So I kept on taking my capsules. How to lose weight with Hoodia – although it is easy, it still needs some kind of regularity. Take the capsules one day, not the next two days and then again for three days, is not how it works. For me personally it worked best, the more I stuck to a routine. If I managed to take my capsules for two or more weeks always exactly at the same time, I did not only lose my hunger. I also found my mood considerably improving and I felt generally better. Mentally and physically! I had more energy and I was a lot more active. So, instead of asking “How to lose weight with Hoodia” it should be: “How to improve my life with Hoodia”!

After a year, I was down to the weight I wanted to reach, the task went from “How to lose weight” to “How to keep weight”. I just remembered too well, how quickly the weight was back on the hips, once the diet was stopped. But I found very quickly that there is no actual stopping, because I never changed my food. True, I ate less, but still the things I liked, so even when I was on my target-weight and when I stopped Hoodia, I did not have sudden cravings for something I did not eat for the time of the diet. So, the question, again, could be changed into “How to lose weight by still eating the things you like?”

Therefore staying on my weight was not really all that difficult. I stopped the regular intake of Hoodia and tried to eat normal, but less than before. And on the days, where I felt that hunger and appetite might overwhelm me, I took the capsules again.

How to lose weight with Hoodia and staying at my weight – today it is for me the easiest thing in the world. I found my perfect weight and thanks to Hoodia I am quite able to stay at this weight, within a margin of maybe 1,5 kilos. I always have a supply of Hoodia Gordonii ready and when there is too much craving, I always come back to it. How to lose weight is for me nowadays a matter of maybe three capsules of Hoodia Gordonii a week.

7 Tips For An Easy And Balanced Diabetes Diet

By : Donald Saunders

It is often thought that diabetics need a special diet and that they have to cut out certain food items altogether, or replace them with special "Diabetic" items purchased from health food stores. This is not the case and is nothing more than a clever marketing ploy. In reality, diabetics can eat exactly the same food as everybody else.

Because diabetes is a metabolic disorder and requires the sufferer to control of glucose levels in the blood, diabetics do need to pay careful attention to their diet and must ensure that their diet is correctly balanced.

So, what sort of foods should diabetics be selecting when it comes to creating a balanced diet? Well, here are 7 suggestions:

1. Include a wide range of fruit and vegetables and avoid sticking to just your two or three favorites. One good test to apply to fruit and vegetables is the color test, which simply means that you should try to eat fruit and vegetables that span the colors of the rainbow. So, include a wide range such as bananas, oranges, apples, red cabbage, carrots and beans. Also, include vegetables which are either low in starch or starch-free, such as broccoli and spinach.

2. Wherever possible try to eat whole grain rather than processed food and choose things like whole wheat spaghetti and brown rather than white rice.

3. Add fish to your diet at least two times a week. Fish is an excellent source of protein and also contains a number of essential oils. Try to avoid frying fish, especially in batter, and boil, steam, bake or grill fish instead.

4. Choose lean cuts of meat and bake, grill, roast, braise or stew meat in preference to frying it. When buying meat choose cuts that include the word "loin" such as pork loin or sirloin. When cooking wildfowl and poultry remove the skin before serving and steer clear of particularly fatty meats such as duck.

5. Choose non-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk as well as non-fat cheese and yoghurt. Many people find that these products, although they are a very healthy option, simply any real taste. If you find that this is the case then try to meet the problem half way by choosing low-fat rather than non-fat products and compensate for this by using them sparingly in your diet.

6. Avoid high calorie sweetened drinks and carbonated drinks and try to drink more water and natural fruit juices. Also be careful not to drink too much coffee or tea and add only as much sugar as in needed for taste. You'll be surprised by just how easy it is to cut out sugar altogether if you put your mind to it and you'll end up enjoying tea and coffee just as much as you did before.

7. Finally, cut back on desserts and, while it's alright to eat cake and ice-cream occasionally try to include these in your diet only once or twice a week rather than every day. Also, try to wean yourself away from full cream ice-cream and cakes to lower fat alternatives.

If by this stage you're thinking that this looks like a normal healthy eating routine then you're quite right. There is no such thing as a "diabetic diet" and all that you need to do to control diabetes in terms of diet is to adopt a simple and sensible habit of eating a good balance of healthy foods.

Article Source: provides information on all aspects of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and also looks at following a type 2 diabetes diet with a collection of free diabetic recipes.
