
วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม ๒๔, ๒๕๕๑

9 No-Nonsense Weight Loss Tips

By Gabriel Adams

Here are 9 easy-to-do tips to help you lose weight without having to resort to drastic measures:

1 - Control portion sizes Portion sizes can be a controversial topic by themselves. Add larger sized crockery and restaurants trying to out-do each other in serving diners the largest possible meals; and you have a potential portion-size minefield. Two of the most commonly asked questions amongst dieters has got to be “What does a real portion look like?” and “How much is too much?”

Portion sizes vary for different foods. When buying food at the grocery, learn to read labels and read the nutrition information and calorie content. When eating at a party or at a restaurant, have a salad first so that you are not so hungry when it’s time for the main meal. Salads have far lesser calories than any entre.

2 - Reduce Your intake of Calories

French fries and sodas; salads with salad dressings; cookies and caf้ au lattes have become the order of the day. Even people who are on a diet resort to eating at least some form of calorie-laden food every day. Restricting your intake by even a small amount every day can add up to a whopping amount at the end of the month.

3 - Stop the Mindless eating Do you reach out and grab whatever is available when reading or sitting in front of the TV or computer? Chances are you’re mind will be on the TV or on your book and you will most likely miss your fullness cues, resulting in you having eaten far more than you needed to. What’s more, studies show that people who indulge in mindless eating almost always eat high-calorie junk food.

4 - Order Wisely at Restaurants The best way to avoid the calories at a restaurant is by informing the waiter that you are looking for a calorie-reduced meal. Ask them to serve you the sauces, butter or cream on the side and not on your meal.

5 - Mingle more; Eat less at Parties By all means, go to every party you are invited to, but avoid standing next to the food table. Socialize and mingle with everybody present but control yourself when it comes to the beverages and the food. Take small portions and stay as far away as possible from the food station.

6 - Exercise There is no substitute for exercise. Though 30 minutes is the recommended daily minimum, even ten minutes of physical activity a day is better than none. Make the time to fit exercise into your daily schedule no matter how busy you are.

7 - Trim Your Trigger Foods Almost everybody has at least one trigger food, which sets them off on an eating binge. It could be French fries, chocolates or anything else. Recognize your trigger and if you have absolutely not control over the overeating that follows, it is best to try and steer clear from it as much as possible.

8 - Tell Your Family and Friends Telling your family and friends about your goals will prevent them from cooking up sinful desserts and other calorie-laden foods in your honor.

9 - Join a Weight Loss Support Group The weight loss journey can be long and tiring and fraught with frustrations. Joining a weight loss support group will give you the strength to overcome your hurdles and achieve your goal.

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