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10 Simple Tricks To Cut Calories And Lose Weight

Submitted By: Jo Bail

In our society today, it just seems so easy to put on unnecesary weight. The options of great tasting foods that are fatty, sugary, and full of calories is literally on every block of every city nationwide; however, with the 10 simple tricks below you'll not only be able to cut your calories, but lose weight. These tricks are simple changes you can make, but the resulting effects on weight loss are tremendous, and without further ado.

10 - Keep a journal of foods you eat. Nothing will keep you more honest with yourself and your food selection like keeping a food diary. Make sure you write everything in it and see exactly how many calories your eating daily. Not only will it give you exact numbers to reference but it will make you much more aware, especially when you want that second slice of pizza.

9 - Don't eat 2 - 3 times a day, eat 5 - 6 times per day. I know what your thinking, you want me to more? Well, thats partially true. What you should do is take what you normally eat during those 2 - 3 meals and split it up throughout the day. The digestive process expends a great deal of calories every time it has to cut on and digest food. By keeping food in your body, not only will you feel more full throughout the day, but your digestive system will continue to burn extra calories.

8 - Eat more......... vegetables. Thats right, eat more of those yummy green and yellow things they call vegetables. Not only do they fill you up, but they do so with a whole lot less calories. Take for instance a piece of celery. It has some calories in it but it actually costs the body 10 calories just for eating it. Thats -10 calories on your daily total plus you filling up real food and not going hungry. Don't go overboard though, as you may be tempted to use salad dressings which are typically high in calories.

7 - Don't buy the bad stuff. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Just don't buy the junk food. When your at the grocery store, the movies, a fast food restraunt, don't buy the junk food. Be accountable, and just say NO!

6 - Cut the cheese. Tell me, you just didn't, that's not what I meant. Remember the last time you went to a fast food place and ordered a burger. They always ask, would you like cheese with that. Not only does this make them extra money, but it makes you extra fat. It would seem that our society just wants cheese on everything, not only does it overpower the food you put it on but its high in calories and fat. So next time they ask you if you want cheese you can tell them to go to you know where.

5 - Eat the same foods but eat the healthier. Yes you can eat the pizza, or the burgers, even the fries in the normal amounts that you do, BUT choose the healthier version of them. There are plenty of ways to go about doing this: for instance use a little less cheese or a healthier crust base for pizza, choose a leaner ground beef or whole wheat bread for that burger, and with the fries make them with a leaner oil base (make them at home, restraunt fries are NEVER healthy).

4 - Be prepared! Yes, the scouts motto, always be prepared. You have a long day at work, and you start to get hungry, the vending machine becons and their goes your efforts at eating healthy all over again. You probably broke rules 9 and 7 in the process. What you should do to avoid this scenario is to always carry a healthy alternative in case you can't get to and eat a healthy meal. You could go with a nutritious bar, or meal replacement shake, maybe an apple or banana. Heck, if your really committed, maybe even pack a healthy meal to carry with you for the day. Cutting your calories and losing weight is a battle, and for that you need to be prepared and have a battle plan.

3 - Hold the mayo. This is another fast food quirk, they put mayonaise on everything, just tell them to take that stuff off. Mayo is loaded with empty fatty calories. Also you may even enjoy mayo, so if you must have it, use a little bit less that you normally use or switch to a healthier alternative like a low fat, low calorie mayo.

2 - Cut out the sugary drinks. Thats right do NOT drink sodas, juices, coffees, and tees that are loaded with empty sugar. Do not try and rationalize it with the juices and say its healthy, because typically they are just as bad. Even gatorade is bad, unless your working out like crazy and need the energy. These drinks will not fill you up and you'll require more food which means more calories. Its easy to drink 300 calories in soft drinks in one sitting, and if you just cut them out, thats 2100 calories a week, 9000 calories a month, and 109,500 calories a year. That 109,500 calories is equal to 31 pounds of fat. Think about that the next time you want a Coke or Pepsi.

1 - Drink plenty of water. So you cut out the sugary drinks, now you need to replace them with water, and thats not it, you should continue drinking water all throughout the day. You want to drink roughly 8 - 10 glasses a day. Now with drinking this much water, you'll be able to fight off hunger a little longer, will stay properly hydrated for optimum body function, but feel better in general. Water is the oil of car in our body. It keeps us running smooth, and without it you'll struggle. So make like a camel and drink water.

Remember, these are easy tips you can use to make huge differences in the amount of calories you take in a day. Not only will these tips help you to lose weight, but they will make you a much happier, healthier you!

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Article Tags: calories, eat, food Read more articles by: Jo Bail Article published on November 17, 2008 at
