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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne Quickly

By Jonathon Kensingtons

Acne is an annoying problem and it affects people at many levels. One of the worst consequences of having acne is the impact it can have on your self esteem and confidence which is obviously a big problem. Each day it seems new acne treatments are introduced and it can get very confusing to decide which ones really work or can work well for you in particular. Just because a friend tried one product over the counter does not mean that same one will work just as well for you.

Many acne sufferers are discovering the benefits that natural based acne treatment methods can have. Unfortunately the medications and harsh lotions and cleansers that many people use tend to have many adverse side effects that leave your skin irritated and dry including other negative health side effects. Here are some natural acne treatment tips to help you reduce your acne problem:

Tip 1: Look for gentle natural acne treatments

It is important to read the ingredients section on any over the counter or online based acne treatment you are looking to purchase. You want products that contain primarily natural ingredients like tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a very effective anti bacterial agent and can be very effective at fighting acne. The internet can be a great place to find these kinds of products so do a search for ‘natural acne treatments’ and you are sure to find some very reputable and quality products that are worth purchasing even if you have to wait a few extra days for shipping.

Tip 2: Watch your diet

Diet can have an impact on hormone levels in your body which can then lead to more acne causing bacteria thus learning to optimize your diet to keep your hormone levels in check can help to control your acne condition. Taking part in a cleansing program can often be a good idea. Visit your local health food store for cleansing kits or do a search online as it is more convenient for ‘full body cleansing’ to find some good sources to get them and then follow the instructions to maximize the benefits.

Juice fasting can be another great way to cleanse however be warned that it will require a lot of discipline to follow through especially if you have never done it before since you will get lots of urges to want to eat your favorite foods. Start slow and go on a 24 to 48 hour juice fast. The ideal is to juice your own freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables instead of using store bought pre packaged juices.

Carrots contain many nutrients that are very good for the skin so consider drinking the juice of freshly squeezed carrots as much as you can. Also try to minimize your intake of processed foods as much as possible and go with the whole food alternatives ideally organic that are free of chemicals, pesticides and preservatives. Follow some of these natural acne treatment tips to help you get rid of acne fast.

About The Author:
Jonathon is a researcher and author. He is a regular contributor to a site on skin care products that helps people to get better looking skin fast, please visit at and find out how you can get beautiful skin quickly.
