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Make No Mistake With Cayenne Pepper Diet

Submitted By: Peter Pantora

Beyonce Knowles, Robin Quiver, Mariah Carey – they all tried and attested to the desirable effects of cayenne pepper diet.

It was in 1941 when Stanley Burroughs has invented the diet and introduced it to the public. However, it is only now that it has gained much attention when celebrities started trying it. This is especially true when Beyonce Knowles, famous singer, songwriter and actress, related in Oprah how the diet helped her cut back twenty pounds in a short span of time.

The process of eating does not only nourishes our body with the needed nutrients but it also goes with some toxic wastes and by-products which should be excreted. These toxins may pose great harm to our body. Manifestations like constipation, body aches, exhaustion and other effects would mean that these chemicals are already taking its toll on our body. The most dreaded result of the inability to excrete the wastes would be weight gain and eventually obesity. A number of body organs also suffer – liver, kidneys, and the large intestines.

With the cayenne pepper diet, you get rid of the bad toxins and by-products by flushing it away from the body.

So, what is cayenne pepper diet? What does it do? What benefits can it bring to the body?
The cayenne pepper diet is a specialized designed diet regimen where the goal is to flush out and excrete accumulated toxins, waste materials and by-products in the body by a short fasting method. Mr. Burroughs recommends that this should be done in a period of ten days. This diet makes use of a solution which should be drunk for a specified number of times in the given duration.

The lemon juice solution is produced by a mixture of organic maple syrup, organic lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and filtered or distilled water. Restrictions on solid food consumption should be implemented while on the diet. Most dieters find this hard to survive during the first two days of the regimen. They would then have a constant struggle to have something to chew, as a result, it advisable for one to bite on and eat crushed ice. This is normal. If they were able to endure the first few days, they will easily get through the rest of the diet.

The cayenne pepper diet can provide a lot of benefits aside from its ability to detoxify.

The diet is known to lessen cravings for junk foods and reduce body pains. This is because force and nuisance as well as irritation with the blood vessels is being released as part of the detoxification. In some cases where acne vulgaris is initially observed, when on the diet, improvement of the skin and its texture is also noticed.

Lastly, cayenne pepper diet provides for its most popular use – weight loss. This diet does not require you to cut down on a certain food group. This requires you to abstain completely. But, make no mistake, you won’t even feel hungry! This does not only help you lose weight but totally cleanse your whole body systems!

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Article Tags: body, cayenne, diet
Read more articles by: Peter Pantora
Article published on September 08, 2008 at
