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Makeup Ideas For All Women

Submitted By: Amanda Bynes

Women wear make-up for various reasons. In the first instance, women use make-up to beautify their face - to improve their best qualities and to improve their weak points. Women, since time, have always had problems with aging - growing old and looking old. However, not all types of make-up is right for you. Women who have just learned how to use make-up usually get overexcited and head out the door to buy the latest products in order to sport the latest trends in make-up, without taking into account their age and complexion, which they will think are the best . As a means to fight against the cruel effects of time in terms of their beauty is concerned, women use different techniques, including various make-up ideas.

It is important to use make-up that is appropriate to your age. The make-up idea is great advice, so you can avoid looking fake or appearing too over made-up. While the make-up can help you appear young and fresh, you may also appear worn out if it is not applied correctly. There are techniques that will help you decide whether to buy a lipstick with a bright shade to go with the darker hue.

If you are young, you do not have to wear too much make-up, because time is on your side: your youth is your greatest asset. Play it and emphasize that, instead of having it hidden under layers of make-up. In addition, this is a time in your life when acne breakouts typically occurs. In order to avoid problems with acne, wear make-up only if necessary, for example, during a big school happening or on a date. Go for absolute basic foundation, which is water-based and water-oil-free, eyeshadow in natural colors, no or very little mascara, clear gel blush if you have dry skin and powder blush if you have oily skin and lightly tinted lip gloss.

If you're twenty-something, your make-up should reflect the full bloom of womanhood. The idea is to choose colors that match the colour of your eyes, skin tone, and disposition, and to keep everything light and easy. Use a basic light foundation, light powder blush, and lightly tinted lipstick. During the evening affairs, you can switch to the sophisticated look by choosing darker shades.

If you are a thirty-something, signs of ageing may have started to appear on your face, including the crows feet and fine lines. This is the time when the need to tone down your make-pallets. Use more Foundation, but nonetheless decide to use light blush and eyeshadow. Frosted make-up products are intended for women in this age category, but actually the frosted make-up only increases your wrinkles, so try not to use them.

If you are a forty-something, signs of aging are more obvious. In order to avoid further damage to the skin, wear make-up, which offers protection and is made of fine ingredients. Use oil-based foundation, if you have dry skin or powder foundation if you have oily skin, and lay the foundation lightly on your wrinkles. For the darks spots and dark circles under your eyes, use concealer, preferably in the form of cream to give you color and warmth, use light blush on your cheeks. When you enter fifty, do not use blue and red shades, as well as frosty, silver or shiny colors.

With these make-up ideas, you will look beautiful at any age.

About the Author
In order to get the best cosmetics to enhance your natural beauty be sure to visit

Article Tags: makeup, foundation, blush
Read more articles by: Amanda Bynes
Article published on August 07, 2008 at
