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How To Apply Summer 2008's Sultry Makeup

Submitted By: Janice Tham

What sort of makeup goes best with Spring/Summer's bright silk dresses? Take a look at Versace's creations. Gorgeous silk dresses in bright colors that flow beautifully over the female figure. The brainchild of Donatella Versace. You might expect that to go with the new nude look. It might. But Versace sent the models out with the unexpected. Dramatic eye makeup, the sort you might expect to see for winter, was the makeup for the models' at Versace.

Instead of a totally gothic got-punched-in-a-fight-black-eye look, the new smoky eye makeup is spiced up with a gold or bronze. It is not just about the eyes alone. The entire face must be made up harmoniously. If you focus on the eyes, go light on the rest of your features.

1. Your Makeup Base

You need a flawless canvas for the look to work, so go for the works. Apply moisturizer on cleansed face, paint concealer with a brush to hide your blemishes, apply foundation with fingers and blend it so well it looks like your own skin.. except that it is perfect.

2. Your Cheeks

To blush or not to blush. If you prefer that pale, goth inspired look, then skip the blush. If not, you could go sunkissed with bronze blush or naturally pretty with peach or soft pink blush. In either case, apply blusher with a light hand. Dust off the excess from your blusher brush before applying any color on your face. Put blusher on the places that light would hit. The cheekbones, tip of nose, chin and forehead.

3. Your Lips

Go nude. You don't want your lips to compete with your eyes, so a nude lipstick, applied with a lip brush would be perfect.

4. Your eyes.

The most important thing here is a black kohl pencil. That and 3 shades of eyeshadow.

Mimicking Versace's look, you'd need a medium brown main eyeshadow, a gold shadow for highlights and a coffee brown eyeshadow for the contours. You'll also need mascara.

Start with the main eyeshadow. Apply that over the entire eyelid.
Next, use the coffee shadow to contour your eyes. Apply that shadow into the crease of your eyelid. Open your eyes and look into the mirror. Deepen the crease line with the dark shadow to make your eyes more dramatic.

Then highlight the center of the eyelid and the brow bone with gold.

To avoid having 3 discrete colors that can look jarring, take a large makeup brush to blend your shadow and soften the edges.

Now draw a line just above and close the the upper lash line with kohl. Thicken the line as you move towards the outer edge and wing out. Then draw a line just below the lower lash line. Smudge the kohl with fingers to soften the look.

How sultry do you want to go? You could apply false lashes to heighten the effect. Trim the false lashes to fit your eye and follow the instructions with the packaging to attact the lashes to your real ones.

Apply a coat of black mascara over your eyelashes. Separate lashes with an eyelash comb or a clean mascara brush. Repeat with 2 more coats, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

If you don't already have makeup brushes, invest in a good set of makeup brushes because you need them for well applied makeup.

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Article Tags: blush, line, makeup
Read more articles by: Janice Tham
Article published on April 10, 2008 at
