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Natural Cures For Allergies

By Marilyn Katz

Before you can find a natural treatment for your allergies, it is important to understand why you have allergy symptoms. Our bodies are exposed to lots of threats every day from germs to pollution. Our immune systmes fight off most of these threats. However, some people react to things in the environment that aren't really harmful as if they are. It is almost as if the immune system is revved up too high.

And so, people who suffer from allergies, feel their bodies response to pollens, cat dander, or even perfume, as if they were inhaling a harmful substance. Histamines are produced. Eyes may water, noses get sniffles, or rashes develop. Most people, especially those with pollen or grass allergies, simply suffer from discomfort. However some people can even die from their reactions to things like bee stings or nuts because they have a severe allergy.

Of course, severe allergies need to be treated by a doctor. So this article is really aimed at those of us who merely suffer discomfort from pollen or grass, cats or dogs, or even, as I wrote before, a strong perfume.

Of course, your corner drug store has all sorts of remedies. You can pick some off the shelf and find other, stronger medicines behind the pharmacy counter. Some are even prescribed.

But medicine is made from chemicals, or even from very concentrated natural compounds. For many of us, the side effects are even worse then the original allergies we were trying to treat. Some pills make us drowsy, and many inhalers can cause severe congestion if used more for a couple of days. And of course, some of the allergy medications that help with congestion can rev us up more then several cups of coffee, and they cause anxiety.

But the main problem is that these pills are only designed to treat symptoms, and not really to strengthen our immune system. A better course of allergy treatment would consist of making lifestyle changes to minimize allergic reactions and to take natural supplements to help with symptoms while making our immune system stronger.

Some lifestyle changes that can help are avoiding or reducing alcohol and smoking. You should also eat lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your system cleaned out, and because they contain flavonoids and other nutrients that will support your immune system. Make sure you add vitamin A and vitamin C to your daily diet. And of course, depending on your own allergies, you may just have to stay indoors when pollen counts are high or stay out of homes where cats are living.

One thing that I have noticed is that when I am already having allergy symptoms, I am sensitive to certain things that would not bother me normally. For instance, I suffer from seasonal pollen allergies in the spring, though I usually am not bothered by many things. But during this time, the smell of shampoo and perfume in a store will be enough to send me into a sneezing fit. At other times, I do not notice these smells.

About The Author:
We want to help you make lifestyle changes that help reduce allergies, plus find the right natural supplements that will cure you without nasty side effects.

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Achieve Healthy Aging By Avoiding Obesity

Submitted By: Michalle Law

Healthy aging is possible by fighting obesity before you reach mid-life. Obesity is a public health problem that requires immediate attention both from government and individuals directly affected by it. If you are overweight or obese, you should do things on your own to get your weight down to a healthier level. It is not only good for you now, but more so if you want to enjoy healthy aging.

A lot of deadly diseases are caused by weight problems. Most of these diseases, also known as lifestyle-related diseases, are highly preventable. One of the measures to prevent them is to control the weight through regular exercise, a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Aging And How Obesity Can Make It Impossible

Heart diseases, hypertension, kidney problems, arthritis and even cancer, are all caused by an unhealthy diet, which is usually the culprit behind overweight or obesity problems. In other words, in order to get your weight under control and achieve healthy aging, you will have to watch your diet.

Moreover, osteoporosis, heart problems, body weakness, or even arthritis are directly or indirectly caused by a sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise, which in turn, also translates to weight problems. Last but not least, substance abuse and vices also take a toll on your health in the form of lung cancer, cirrhosis or cancer of the liver. This last form of unhealthy living will totally wreak havoc on your health. Add to that the fact that you are obese and your health will become a disaster just waiting to happen.

Healthy Aging: What You Need To Do

Therefore, it is of extreme importance that you keep your weight under control in order to achieve healthy aging. The ways to do so have been outlined above already. But for the sake of clarity, let us go over them:

· Watch your diet – The cliché: “You are what you eat” has never been truer than in today's society, which is so obsessed with fastfoods and anything greasy and cholesterol-laden. A fast-paced existence is the most popular alibi for not eating right. However, people who dismiss the importance of eating healthy are the very same people who suffer from all forms of health problems and who will not experience healthy aging later on in life. In fact, it is ironic for them to use that alibi Why? Because the more demanding their life and jobs are, the more reasons they have to nourish their bodies properly.

People usually associate dieting with skinny individuals who have great bodies, positive disposition and a healthy social life. Well, these things all have something to do with a healthy weight. However, they are more of positive side effects than anything. The real object of dieting is to attain better health and fitness level so that healthy aging is attainable.

· Keep active – Engaging in regular exercises to keep fit and healthy rewards you with a health and a trim physique which should be more able to cope with the demands of modern living, and eventually, healthy aging. Hitting the gym or going for brisk walking on a regular basis will not only enhance your health, but also your social life, which is fundamental to a healthier mental and psychological well-being and eventually, healthy aging.

· Maintain a healthier lifestyle – Avoiding drugs, cigarettes and too much alcohol will all contribute to better health, and towards realizing healthy aging. These substances, if consumed regularly over long periods of time, will not actually give you weight problems. On the contrary, they will waste your body, which is as bad as having weight problems.

Achieving a healthy weight towards healthy aging is not that difficult. It all boils down to you, the very person directly affected by the problem, to act upon it. It is your life, your health your future at stake. Act now.

About the Author
Michalle Law is the professional freelance writer. He's also the webmaster of
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Article Tags: aging, healthy, weight
Read more articles by: Michalle Law
Article published on April 29, 2008 at Isnare

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Aging With Grace

Submitted By: Brite Ideas

Aging With Grace

After hitting forty, it seems almost everybody starts to dread their next birthday. At least some people do anyway? The realities of getting older are beginning to hit them, and they want the process to stop as soon as possible. It is possible to look at getting older as an exiting process, certainly if it is done gracefully. Aging with grace means taking care of yourself physically and mentally as well. Aging with grace will give those around you a positive impression of aging itself especially if you're able to highlight the beauty in age.

Physical Factors

As you get older, it goes without saying that taking care of your physical self is even more important. As an elderly person, it's possible to have to face many physical health problems. Arthritis, is one common health problem that people confront as they get older. Type II Diabetes is often another. Dealing with these health issues is really as simple as it sounds; make sure you visit your doctor to investigate any symptoms you notice. It's easy to say, but taking care of yourself early on is the key to avoiding many potential health issues. Don't give up if you've neglected yourself for a number of years though! just start now. There are things you can do that don't involve the doctor, such as eating healthy, and introducing a mild form of exercise to your day.

Mental Management

Though aging with grace can be made difficult by health related matters, mental state of mind is truly "your everything". Prevention is the key, so stay in tune with your body, notice the small changes. If you're finding your memory isn't as good, then once you've visited your doctor to rule out any serious impediments, try memory encouraging exercises, such as mentally stimulating projects; crossword puzzles, reading the paper regularly, tv games shows that focus on thinking. Your brain is a muscle like any other part of your body, and using it is the best way to prevent "losing it".

Socially Connected

Staying socially connected to family and friends can be so challenging, especially if your family members are overwhelmed with their own lives. But you have to make the effort. Don't wait for the phone to ring, don't wonder why anyone isn't calling - just pick the phone up and call your friends and family, and invite yourself over if you have to! If you're able to help out, great! do that! Family members can become distant, but often times it's because they're own lives are so all consuming, they may not know whether they're coming or going themselves! Give your family members a break, by calling them!

Probably out of everything, social contact is the most important thing you can do for yourself as you age. Aging with grace isn't about the lines on your face, it isn't about the number on your bathroom scale, it's about loving your life...and you do that by making an effort to stay connected to those most important to you. Your children and friends may really need you, but may not know how to ask, or may even be too proud to ask, so just volunteer. Make your offer non-negotiable, tell them your coming over Sunday for an hour to watch your grandkids for them, or you're making them something fresh from the kitchen and bringing it over. Don't wait for the invite - just offer. If you've been blessed with grandchildren, the example you set as a person of many years is one they can hold on to, and remember and use, when it's their turn to age with grace. Then they too, can be there for their loved ones; a great legacy to leave behind.

About the Author
Aging with Grace involves many aspects of life, not just wrinkle cream and diets!
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Article Tags: aging, health, older
Read more articles by: Brite Ideas
Article published on April 23, 2008 at

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Lift Weights Without Injury

By Alex Baran

Weight lifting may cause serious injuries if you`re not careful, no matter if you`re training for a competition or just working out. This type of workout improves your muscle tone, endurance, and strength but it may cause injuries if it`s not properly done. You may enjoy a safe workout if you try some of the following tips:

- Find a trainer who shows you good techniques for lifting weights and how to exercise correctly; - Set goals according to your age, built, and trainer`s advice. Establish the weight you`re starting with, how much and when you’ll increase it, how often you need to practice, and which exercises are best for you;
- It`s good to wait until you`re fifteen or older to start lifting weights. The major lifts include the power clean, squat, clean and jerk, snatch, the bench, and dead lift. Major lifts may cause injury if you don`t follow a proper technique for lifting heavy weights;
- Try to keep your back straight when you practice;
- Make sure you`re wearing shoes with good traction and the equipment is in good shape; - Use spotters when lifting weights;
- Warm up for five or ten minutes before starting to work out and include jogging or calisthenics. After the workout cool down by stretching;
- This way you can avoid fatigue or boredom;
- Take a day off between weight lifting sessions;
- You may want to work only certain muscle groups during a session. For example, one day you can work your back and biceps muscles, on the next work your leg muscles, and the last day of practice from the week use it for triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles; You may want to hold your breath while lifting weights. Don`t breathe fast or you may faint. Stop exercising for a few days if you feel any kind of pain, or use less weight. Avoid injury by exercising a set of muscles for no more than three times a week. Specialists recommend an hour per day of aerobic activity, only in the days when you`re not lifting weights. Aerobics help your heart and lungs work better. Weight lifting helps you burn calories, reduce the level of fat, or increase your muscle mass, but you need to take safety precautions to enjoy these benefits.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2008. All rights reserved.

Visit Project Weight Loss and start losing weight today! Membership is free and you’ll find there thousands of friends who can help you. The web site also has interesting weight loss articles, a bunch of diet ideas, a calorie counter that calculates how many calories you ate and how many you burned, a diet planner, and weight charts that shows you when you went over the calorie limit you need to stick to.

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How Much Weight Do Want To Lose Fast?

Submitted By: Ricky Roberts

Are you are looking for a quick results and fast weight loss diet? Lots of dieters are opting to start four-day fast action reducing diets. There are even six-day, seven-day, nine-day, and even an eighteen-day fast reducing diet plans available now. Possibly these are the types of diets you are looking for. If so, you may be surprised at your results.

Having been on a few of these diets and particpating in many "fasts" I can honestly say there is nothing wrong with that-if you do it with the proper knowledge beforehand of what you are getting into. In this article we will cover a few facts about many of the short-term, fast reducing diets that you must be made aware of.

Something all dieters should recognise is that the idea that any fast reducing diet, even one that is followed to the letter faithfully, is a permanent solution is just plain short-sightedness. Given that it is certainly true that many of these diets will give you the means to reach your dieting goals, however reality of the effectiveness of these diets usually settles in afterward.

A common mistake many dieters on a fast reducing diet plan is one in which they go back to their previous bad eating habits after completing the diet session. Doing so is detrimental to your dieting efforts. Most often this will cause the dieter to have to repeat the fast reducing diet plan over and over again. It can be a really nasty circle to be caught in no doubt.

Short-term fast reducing diets work really well in getting the dieter started on a weight reducing program. Sadly though many of the most popular diets of this type run for too short a time period to achieve the desired results of an ideal figure.

Even though the dieter may obtain their ideal figure, which is really only possible when you are within ten pounds or so of the ideal figure, the dieter is not going to be at this ideal figure long without regular exercise. Also dieters apt to put weight back on easily must follow through with a long-term diet plan that includes a daily physical exercise regime.

This may sound discouraging it shouldn't. The dieter that can follow through with a fast reducing diet is certainly able apply themselves to a long-term diet plan having been through the initial stages of adhering to a diet to begin with. That is why after experience the great results from a fast reducing diet a more liberal long-term diet plan is easily acceptable in the dieter's mind.

One other problem that some short-term fast reducing dieters may experience is that for some water retention in the body's tissues may not give accurate results of dieting. The dieter may go through the whole short-term diet and not see the expected results because of this. This is another good argument for continuing with another long-term diet plan afterwards. It could be that six to nine days after the short-term diet is over the dieter sees the desired sudden weight loss.

Everyone who diets has a goal in mind for dieting results. Is it ten, twenty, or even thirty pounds you desire to lose? Once you have a goal in mind you have to ask yourself, and be honest about the answer, "How many days am I willing to follow a fast reducing short-term diet to lose those pounds?"

Lastly our human bodies are so complex, and each one being totally different from any other, no one - not even your family physician can pinpoint with exactness how many ounces or pounds you will lose on a given short-term or long-term diet plan. Dieting and its effectiveness for results are largely controlled by ourselves and our willingness to maintain control. However no matter what you may think, or have been told, we all possess the ability to reach our dieting goals. For some it takes more discipline than others to get there.

About the Author

Get more information on high protein and fast reducing diets at Also find out why a lady doctor has gotten death threats because of her secrets to fat loss.

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Article Tags: diet, diets, reducing Read more articles by: Ricky Roberts
Article published on April 21, 2008 at

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Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories

Submitted By: J Turner

It is close to dinnertime and you are starving. You cannot wait and need something right now, but don’t want to sabotage all that you have accomplished. Your willpower is growing dim and you are struggling, yetyou must have something, just something that will tide you over. That cookie looks really good and that’s okay, but you just know that one leads to two, and three, and........STOP!

Don’t ruin it now. You have been working out for weeks and you are really noticing a difference in the way that your clothes look and feel. You have come too far for that and just think of that new dress that you want to wear to that special upcoming event. Instead here are some great snacks that will help you to squelch that rumbling tummy. Remember though...portion control is the key to success. Try eating these foods instead and you will get through those difficult times between meals.

Here is a list of foods under 100 calories:

Vegetables: Between 15 and 40 calories

Celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, green beans, radishes, green peppers, lettuce, pickles.

Fruits: Between 40 and 70 calories

Oranges, apples, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe, tangerines, peaches, apricots, nectarine, ½ of a banana.

Crackers: Between 30 and 90 calories

Melba toast, Matzoh, pretzels (5), puffed wheat, puffed rice, Bran Chex, graham crackers (2 squares), breadsticks (1), vanilla wafers (5), rice cakes, cream of wheat, ½ a bagel, ½ of an English muffin.

Miscellaneous Items: Between 10 and 90 calories

Sugar-free gelatin, non-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free fudgsicles, popcorn, hard boiled egg, a piece of toast, Italian ice, can of chicken noodle soup, slice of American cheese, fruit flavored yogurt, sugar-free pudding.

Drinks: Between 0 and 90 calories

Tea, coffee, seltzer water, diet sodas, grapefruit juice, orange juice, skim milk, apple juice, cranberry juice, carrot juice, tomato juice, water, sugar-free drink mixes.

Eat any of the above in a reasonable portion and you will be able to curb your appetite until your next meal without spoiling what you have accomplished. Also, don’t forget to check out your grocery store for prepackaged weight loss packets of great snacks that are less than 100 calories. There are cereals, cookies, crackers, gelatin and pudding cups, popcorn and more items available that are already packaged to help you take the guesswork and temptation away from you. Or better yet, prepackage your own cereal and other items in little plastic baggies, which is more cost effective. It may take a little more time or be a little more costly, but worth it in the long run if it helps you to control your eating.

Choose your snacks wisely and plan your meals ahead. Think about when you will need a snack and be careful during your weakest moment Keep a prepackaged snack and a bottle of water with you in case you have the munchies while you are on the go. Remember, you didn’t come this far just to lose it on a high calorie snack that could have been avoided with a little thought in mind.

About the Author
Follow a forty-something year old mom's journey from overweight to healthy and fit. Check out some of her favorite food finds and healthy recipes by visiting

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Article Tags: 90, juice, sugarfree Read more articles by: J Turner Article published on April 18, 2008 at

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Skin Care Beverly Hills Style, Getting A Skin Like The Stars

Submitted By: Julia Schwartz

Did you ever wonder what makes the skin of the women in Beverly Hills so beautiful? Could it be that there are special skin care tips these women know and don't share with the rest of us? Lets be honest quite a few of these women you see on the screen have had some type of surgery. But there are also some women who truly know beauty techniques of a more natural and effective nature. We will show you three of these skin care tips which will be very helpful to you to keep your skin looking healthy and young.

Love the sun but be moderate with your affection

We need vitamin D and we can produce it only when we are in direct sunlight. But we also know that staying in the sun too long without any protection can be bad for our health. So if we want our skin to stay vibrant and healthy we need to get exposed to some sunlight. You need to find a way of getting some sun exposure every day and protecting your skin the other times you are outside

Sunlight in the early morning are the best rays to catch. Those Beverly Hills women know exactly what I'm talking about. Not only is it very enjoyable to spend some time in the morning on those Californian beaches but it is also healthy and very relaxing. Don't risk your health by baking in the sun for a long time during the middle of the day. If you need to spend more then 12 to 15 minutes outside in the sun you should have some sunscreen lotion with at least SPF 30 on your skin. When it's a tan you're after you should do it gradually by getting a bit more natural sun time every day but don't use a tanning booth.

Smoking, just don't

If you watch some of the older movies you'll see people smoking as if nothing was wrong and of course in those days they didn't know better. Now we know that cigarettes have carcinogenic content and are known to help in the development of certain cancers. But in line of the beauty tips we are giving, another side effect of smoking is that your skin will wrinkle prematurely. That is why smoking is no longer a fashion statement in Beverly Hills. Avoid smoking all together, this will keep your skin looking younger for a longer time.

You should be relaxing not stressing

One thing that the women in Beverly Hills get enough, is time to relax. Your skin reacts when you are under a lot of stress. Stress can tip the scale of chemical balance in your body the wrong way. Such a conflict in your body can make that your natural skin glow slowly fades away. So if you want to keep that natural glow we see on the skin of so many women in Beverly Hills you should start to relax. Reserve time in the day were you take the time to forget about the day to day stress. Learn about meditating and breathing techniques and start to relax, you'll see that natural glow will come back.

About the Author
You should care for your skin. It's the largest organ of a human being so don't neglect it. Julia Schwartz shows at what you can do to keep your skin in a good condition.

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Article Tags: skin, sun, women Read more articles by: Julia Schwartz Article published on April 14, 2008 at

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A Health Club Should Help You Get Into Shape; the Right Way

By Muna Wa Wanjiru

A health club is the place that you want to be if you need to get into shape and you want to do it the right way. By joining a health club you will have access not only to their equipment, but also to the many things they might have like a swimming pool or sauna.

And although not all health clubs have a sauna or swimming pool, you can be assured that the one thing they will have will be a gym with all manner of machines of torture dotting the room, and all manner of people being put through their paces. Most health clubs will also have personal trainers on hand, so you will be able to find these torturers wandering about the health club as well.

For the people who don’t want to go it alone and who need motivation, personal instructors can be what they need. But if what you want is something lightweight and not to be under the eye of a personal instructor the entire time, you might find that the various different classes and such that your health club offers you is the best thing for you.

If you’re looking into getting a health club membership you might first want to go over to that particular health club and take a look around the premises. This way you can decide whether this is the place for you, or whether you want to go elsewhere to get fit.

This is something that you might want to do as sometimes membership to a health club can be very costly. You can always change your health club if you don’t like it, but it’s no use signing up for one without checking the place out, and then finding out immediately you join that it’s definitely not the place for you.

There might not be anything wrong with the place itself, but you might want different things from your health club. Or there could be something very wrong with the health club like badly kept equipment and unclean locker rooms, or even just plain bad service on the part of the health club employees. The latter problem of course you won’t necessarily find out about until after you join up, but these are things that can go wrong.

In each of these cases it is best if you leave the health club and find something else to suit you better. There are more than enough health clubs out there, dotting the landscape, and all you need to do is to find one.

Muna wa Wanjiru is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on How to Declutter Homes for Years. For More Information on Health Club, Visit His Site at Health ClubI Will Highly Appreciate Your Views About Health Club On My Blog Here Health Club

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How To Apply Summer 2008's Sultry Makeup

Submitted By: Janice Tham

What sort of makeup goes best with Spring/Summer's bright silk dresses? Take a look at Versace's creations. Gorgeous silk dresses in bright colors that flow beautifully over the female figure. The brainchild of Donatella Versace. You might expect that to go with the new nude look. It might. But Versace sent the models out with the unexpected. Dramatic eye makeup, the sort you might expect to see for winter, was the makeup for the models' at Versace.

Instead of a totally gothic got-punched-in-a-fight-black-eye look, the new smoky eye makeup is spiced up with a gold or bronze. It is not just about the eyes alone. The entire face must be made up harmoniously. If you focus on the eyes, go light on the rest of your features.

1. Your Makeup Base

You need a flawless canvas for the look to work, so go for the works. Apply moisturizer on cleansed face, paint concealer with a brush to hide your blemishes, apply foundation with fingers and blend it so well it looks like your own skin.. except that it is perfect.

2. Your Cheeks

To blush or not to blush. If you prefer that pale, goth inspired look, then skip the blush. If not, you could go sunkissed with bronze blush or naturally pretty with peach or soft pink blush. In either case, apply blusher with a light hand. Dust off the excess from your blusher brush before applying any color on your face. Put blusher on the places that light would hit. The cheekbones, tip of nose, chin and forehead.

3. Your Lips

Go nude. You don't want your lips to compete with your eyes, so a nude lipstick, applied with a lip brush would be perfect.

4. Your eyes.

The most important thing here is a black kohl pencil. That and 3 shades of eyeshadow.

Mimicking Versace's look, you'd need a medium brown main eyeshadow, a gold shadow for highlights and a coffee brown eyeshadow for the contours. You'll also need mascara.

Start with the main eyeshadow. Apply that over the entire eyelid.
Next, use the coffee shadow to contour your eyes. Apply that shadow into the crease of your eyelid. Open your eyes and look into the mirror. Deepen the crease line with the dark shadow to make your eyes more dramatic.

Then highlight the center of the eyelid and the brow bone with gold.

To avoid having 3 discrete colors that can look jarring, take a large makeup brush to blend your shadow and soften the edges.

Now draw a line just above and close the the upper lash line with kohl. Thicken the line as you move towards the outer edge and wing out. Then draw a line just below the lower lash line. Smudge the kohl with fingers to soften the look.

How sultry do you want to go? You could apply false lashes to heighten the effect. Trim the false lashes to fit your eye and follow the instructions with the packaging to attact the lashes to your real ones.

Apply a coat of black mascara over your eyelashes. Separate lashes with an eyelash comb or a clean mascara brush. Repeat with 2 more coats, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

If you don't already have makeup brushes, invest in a good set of makeup brushes because you need them for well applied makeup.

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Article Tags: blush, line, makeup
Read more articles by: Janice Tham
Article published on April 10, 2008 at

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Weight Loss - Food Habits That Make You Fat And What To Do About Them

By Julia Denham

challenging because we have a whole series of habits which we've build up around food and dieting. If you can identify some of your bad food habits, and get into the habit of challenging them, weight loss will become much easier.

One of the reasons diet programs work so well is that they help you to create new food habits. If you are not in a program however, you'll have to develop your own new good food habits. Let's look at five food habits which make you fat and what to do about them.

1. Thinking of food as a reward A whole culture has grown up around the concept of food as a reward -- when we want to reward ourselves for a job well done, we have a night out at a restaurant. If we have a celebration we give a party to which we invite all our friends. We buy chocolates on Valentine's Day. Love is associated with food, and we can't imagine a celebration without food. Many parents develop this food habit in their children, by rewarding children with special treats. Combat this bad habit by developing a new system of rewards. Reward yourself with a CD, a trip to a spa, or a night at the movies. Make a list of rewards you could give yourself which are not food-related. If you usually go out to eat several nights a week, start cooking at home. When you cook at home, you have control of the method of cooking and the portions you serve to yourself.

2. Eating when you're stressed Food can be an anesthetic.

It dulls emotional pain. If you know that you eat when you become upset or angry, take part in a relaxation program, and learn how to manage your stress.

You can buy relaxation CDs and DVDs, or enroll in a stress-management program.

3. Social eating - birthdays and other celebrations

You can't turn into a hermit when you're on a diet. However you can stop gatherings from becoming a dieting disaster. If you know that a party won't provide any diet-friendly food, take some food with you.

Alternatively you could eat before you attend the party. Make sure that you drink plenty of water.

4. Eating by the clock, even when you're not hungry

Tick tock it's 12 o'clock. Are you hungry? Perhaps you are not hungry at all. Think about how you are feeling at the moment - is that a feeling of hunger?

If you are truly hungry, then by all means have your lunch. However if you're not hungry, then go for a walk instead of eating.

5. Eating when you have nothing else to do

Often you eat because you're looking for something to do. If you feel that food has become an entertainment for you then make a list of things you've always wanted to do.

Perhaps you've always wanted to learn to surf. You could go fishing or take up knitting. There are dozens of pastimes and hobbies you could do, none of which include food.

Because they've developed over time, food habits are difficult to break because we're not aware of them. Once you know what to watch for, you can replace a food habit which makes you fat with another habit - a good one.

About The Author:
You can lose weight fast - visit 30 Day Slimmer at for more information on fast, healthy diets and easy weight loss. Subscribe to our ezine and receive a free vegetarian cookery book.

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Top Make Up Tips

Submitted By: L J Hannah


* To prevent smudging, wipe off any excess mascara from the wand before use.

* Don't match your mascara colour with your eye colour.

* For full lashes that don't stick together, use an eye lash comb, or a damp toothbrush to comb through your eye lashes.

* To make mascara stay on your lashes for longer, brush some foundation powder over your lashes before applying mascara to them.

Eye Shadow

* Test the eye shadow on the back of your hand to see how it appears on your skin tone.

* When mixing eye shadows, mix them well to give a uniform colour.

* Apply foundation to your eye lids first to avoid the eye shadow creasing.


* When using loose powder, choose a colour that closely matches your own skin tone, or to create a warmer glow, pick a powder that has a slightly pinky hue.

* For a dash of glamour, try using a powder with reflective pigments, giving you a subtle shimmery glow, perfect for nights out!


* If you have an uneven skin colour, or imperfections, you may wish to use a concealer after you have applied basic foundation. Try to use this sparingly, and for extra precision use a makeup brush.

* If your foundation has become thick or is getting old, it can be rejuvenated by mixing it with moisturiser before application.

* During the summer months, skin tends to need less coverage and so you may wish to only apply foundation to specific areas rather than an all over base, to even out colour. For a lighter base, try using a tinted moisturiser instead.

* To keep your foundation flawless and skin looking soft and fresh, finish with a dusting of transluscent loose powder on your forehead, nose and chin, using a large soft brush.

* For an added healthy glow, lightly dust cheekbones with bronzer or blusher in a sweeping motion.

Nail Care

* Tap your nails on a hard surface every day. Tapping your nails has been shown to stimulate nail growth.

* Moisturize your nails and your cuticles to keep your nails looking young and healthy.

* Keep your nails clean with a good quality nail brush.

* Don't cut your nails too short, or let them grow too long. Cutting them too short can lead to nails receding, and leaving them too long will leave you prone to breaking your nails. Ideally nails should be filed to just beyond the end of your finger tips.

* Use a file to shape your nails, and a buffer to smooth away imperfections.

* Remove nail polish every 4 - 5 days to let your nails breathe. Applying too many coats of nail polish on top of each other can cause the nails to dehydrate.

Cuticle Care

* Apply moisturizer to your cuticles often, this will help stop them from lifting up and looking ragged.

* Apply cuticle removal cream to your cuticles at least every couple of days.

* Don't cut live cuticle skin. Only remove dead cuticle tissue. The removal of cuticles should be painless.

* Hang nails can be removed with cuticle scissors, cuticles should be pushed back with a cuticle pusher.

About the Author:
Montpellier Beauty feature a large range of manicure sets to help you keep your nails looking gorgeous! Visit

Article Tags: eye, foundation, nails

Read more articles by: L J Hannah Article Source:
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Article published on April 05, 2008 at

วันอังคาร, เมษายน ๐๘, ๒๕๕๑

Lose Weight Fast with the Red Tea Diet

By Alex Baran

The red tea diet is a low-calorie diet that may help you lose up to seven pounds within five days. This diet requires that you to drink four cups of red tea daily, at breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner, and eat only certain foods rich in carbohydrates and vegetables.
The foods required for this diet include fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, pasta, whole grain, and rice. The prohibited foods include sugar, fats, diary foods, bananas, grapes, and meat.
Breakfast should include a can of red tea with orange juice or orange slices, a slice of whole bread, or two musli bars.
For lunch, eat cold fish salad, rice with vegetables, or rice salad. You may also eat a fruit, and drink a mug of red tea. The snack should only include a cup of red tea.
Dinner consists of salad, fish with vegetables, pasta with vegetables, rice soup, or bean with vegetables. A fruit and a cup of red tea are good after dinner.
The vegetables should be eaten boiled or raw. The red tea also accelerates the liver`s metabolism and reduces fat absorption. The tea cleans the body, is anti-depressive, and stimulates digestive functions. This diet is very low in proteins and if it is followed for more than five days, may lead to a severe decrease of the amount of proteins in the body. The red tea also interfere with iron absorption so the body`s capacity to absorb iron is limited.
The red tea diet should not be followed by pregnant women, children, people who are under medical treatment, or suffer from ulcer, insomnia, or anemia.
This diet cleans the body from toxins. Always seek medical advice before starting a diet.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2008. All rights reserved.

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วันศุกร์, เมษายน ๐๔, ๒๕๕๑

Daily Skin Care For Younger, Healthier Looking Skin

Submitted By: Suzane

By spending a few minutes every day you can have the beautiful skin you have always wanted; providing you are willing to put in the time for your skin care on a regular basis you should see some beneficial results. Part of the problem with Western women is the need for immediate results, always expecting the cosmetic surgeon to save the day using invasive procedures that often end in failure. Beauty care products however, are formulated to work more naturally with the skin and are within almost everyone's budget with other health advantages as part of the package.

When we think of beauty care products for the skin we typically picture cold cream and anti-aging formulas but there are countless items that promote healthy, youthful skin and these may be some of the most important beauty care products on the market. We often forget that our skin is an organ that needs looking after as it has a difficult job to and needs regular help.
Before any other type of skin care is carried out, it is necessary to clean the skin first; this will ensure that any toxins, environmental pollution and bacteria are removed. To do this requires a gentle cleanser which must be used with cotton wool pads moving the wet pads in a circular motion around the face until all areas have been done then once you have washed with warm water, use a soft towel to dab your skin until it is dry.

Cleansers are very good at removing the contaminants from your face but they are prone to affect the PH of your skin so you will need to use a toner to restore the PH level one again. Lotions and moisturizers massaged into the skin help to reduce the effect of wrinkles and ensure the skin is more supple. Moisturizing also has the added bonus of locking in the moisture that can be lost without its use, so do not skimp on this beauty care product.

Every week, at least once but preferably twice, it is recommended you get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliation (dead cell removal process) or a natural peel, which is becoming a more popular skin care routine. You must not forget however, that when you carry out this exfoliation you make sure that you continue with a complete cleanse and tone afterwards.

Skin around the eye is very delicate and needs to be looked after so special beauty care product creams help alleviate the dark rings and puffiness that some people suffer ensuring the sin is much more supple and youthful looking. Appropriate eye makeup could help you hide the flaws that you might have around your eyes. But then again, makeup is only a temporary solution. An underestimated but an essential commodity is water which can flush out toxins and which helps to hydrate the skin. The health of your skin should not be underestimated, not just for vanity reasons but for our overall health as it is a barrier against the elements, pollution and disease.

About the Author:
Suzane has been a beauty products industry insider for the last 8 years and she is an expert in skin care products. She has also specialized knowledge also blogs about eye makeup tips. To get more skin care tips - visit her site

Article Tags: beauty, care, skin

Read more articles by: Suzane
Article Source:
Permanent Link: Article published on April 04, 2008 at

วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน ๐๓, ๒๕๕๑

Healthy Skin Needs Natural Mineral Makeup

Submitted By: Darrell Miller

For those of you women who want healthy skin but can’t seem to go without a little blush and eye shadow, there’s makeup made from pure minerals that can present your face a natural alternative to the drugstore cosmetics. This mineral makeup opens up a world of makeup that is both natural and stylish. There are five main reasons to begin using mineral makeup immediately.

First of all, mineral makeup lets your skin breathe. Regular makeup can lead to ugly breakouts for a lot of women. This is because a woman’s skin can be very picky about what is put on it. Anything that is too heavy will block pores and potentially lead to pimple development. Mineral makeup is extremely light, which makes it a popular option among women with sensitive skin. This lightness also means that you can occasionally wear the makeup to bed without paying the price the following morning. However, it is not suggested that you wear the makeup to bed.

Mineral makeup feels better than regular makeup. Some makeup formulations can leave you feeling extremely oily. A lot of women who use mineral makeup are finding that the uncomfortable mask-like greasy feel of traditional makeup is not there. Without the mineral oils, talc, and other weighty ingredients that are found in traditional makeup products, mineral makeup is a lot more comfortable. If your complexion is oily to begin with, mineral-based products are especially helpful.

Thirdly, mineral makeup is better for your health. Although your skin is a great barrier to the outside world, it isn’t totally immune from impurities. You can and do absorb a good amount of stuff through your skin, including the chemical ingredients that are found in regular makeup such as alcohol, dyes, fragrances, and fillers. Mineral makeup is made up of mostly finely pulverized minerals and natural coloring agents. Zinc is a common ingredient, as it soothes red, inflamed skin, and provides protection against the sun’s UV rays.

Mineral makeup also helps you to avoid infections. This is a lesser known, but definitely appealing fact. Regular makeup can become a Petri dish for microorganisms such as bacteria, mold, and yeast. By nature, minerals are inorganic and therefore, are a lot less likely to breed these microorganisms. However, that assumes that you follow beauty hygiene basics like washing your hands before working on your face, using clean brushes, and maintaining a reasonably sanitary area to store your cosmetics.

Lastly, mineral makeup allows you to look your best. Most of you are probably thinking that it is nice that mineral makeup won’t ruin your skin, but will it really do what it’s suppose to do in the first place as a makeup. The answer is yes. Minerals refract light, which gives your face a glow while still making crow’s feet, fine lines, and wrinkles less noticeable. Many brands also supply a complete line of products, which include blush, bronzer, concealer, eye color, and foundation. This allows you to achieve a full range of skin effects. To use mineral makeup, it is best to apply it in very sheer layers. To learn more about mineral makeup, contact your local health food store.

About the Author:
More information on natural mineral makeup is available at VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food Store.

Article Tags: makeup, mineral, skin

Read more articles by: Darrell Miller
Article Source:
Permanent Link: Article published on April 02, 2008 at

วันพุธ, เมษายน ๐๒, ๒๕๕๑

Healthy Skin Needs Natural Mineral Makeup

By Darrell Miller

For those of you women who want healthy skin but can’t seem to go without a little blush and eye shadow, there’s makeup made from pure minerals that can present your face a natural alternative to the drugstore cosmetics. This mineral makeup opens up a world of makeup that is both natural and stylish. There are five main reasons to begin using mineral makeup immediately.

First of all, mineral makeup lets your skin breathe. Regular makeup can lead to ugly breakouts for a lot of women. This is because a woman’s skin can be very picky about what is put on it. Anything that is too heavy will block pores and potentially lead to pimple development. Mineral makeup is extremely light, which makes it a popular option among women with sensitive skin. This lightness also means that you can occasionally wear the makeup to bed without paying the price the following morning. However, it is not suggested that you wear the makeup to bed.

Mineral makeup feels better than regular makeup. Some makeup formulations can leave you feeling extremely oily. A lot of women who use mineral makeup are finding that the uncomfortable mask-like greasy feel of traditional makeup is not there. Without the mineral oils, talc, and other weighty ingredients that are found in traditional makeup products, mineral makeup is a lot more comfortable. If your complexion is oily to begin with, mineral-based products are especially helpful.

Thirdly, mineral makeup is better for your health. Although your skin is a great barrier to the outside world, it isn’t totally immune from impurities. You can and do absorb a good amount of stuff through your skin, including the chemical ingredients that are found in regular makeup such as alcohol, dyes, fragrances, and fillers. Mineral makeup is made up of mostly finely pulverized minerals and natural coloring agents. Zinc is a common ingredient, as it soothes red, inflamed skin, and provides protection against the sun’s UV rays.

Mineral makeup also helps you to avoid infections. This is a lesser known, but definitely appealing fact. Regular makeup can become a Petri dish for microorganisms such as bacteria, mold, and yeast. By nature, minerals are inorganic and therefore, are a lot less likely to breed these microorganisms. However, that assumes that you follow beauty hygiene basics like washing your hands before working on your face, using clean brushes, and maintaining a reasonably sanitary area to store your cosmetics.

Lastly, mineral makeup allows you to look your best. Most of you are probably thinking that it is nice that mineral makeup won’t ruin your skin, but will it really do what it’s suppose to do in the first place as a makeup. The answer is yes. Minerals refract light, which gives your face a glow while still making crow’s feet, fine lines, and wrinkles less noticeable. Many brands also supply a complete line of products, which include blush, bronzer, concealer, eye color, and foundation. This allows you to achieve a full range of skin effects. To use mineral makeup, it is best to apply it in very sheer layers. To learn more about mineral makeup, contact your local health food store.

About The Author:More information on natural mineral makeup is available at VitaNet , LLC Health Food Store.

วันอังคาร, เมษายน ๐๑, ๒๕๕๑

All About Low Carb Diet

By Bertil Hjert

Low carb diets, also known as low carbohydrates diets can be defined as dietary programs that limit intake of carbohydrates consumption for weight control. These foods are usually replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of proteins and fats.

People who want to cook low carb meals have some great options when it comes to creative cooking. You can go for large amounts of meals, poultry, fish, cheeses and different types of salad greens to make a good low carb diet plan.

This diet is extremely beneficial in losing weight in a short period of time. It is really exciting to know that you can close a good amount of pounds and also involve in to digging your teeth in to a good amount of exciting foods.

There are several tasty options under low carb meals that you can easily, plan for weeks together without having to repeat a particular food item.

For starting a low carb diet, you need to have a vision to lose weight. Experts feel that people with hyperinsulinemia are good candidates for the low carb diet. This diet is known to be the only effective and available treatment for hyperinsulinemia.

This is a disease that ultimately results in insulin resistance. It is also related to several symptoms and disorders. The condition is also known as syndrome X.

A low carb diet is also know for its positive effects on diseases such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides, hypoglycemia, high LDL cholesterol, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, binge eating, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

If you are on a low carb diet, you must know that food items made from white flour and sugar are not allowed in low carb diet. Most of the fruits in this diet are prohibited. However, you still have a choice of eating certain fruits. The number of carbohydrates per grams allowed on a daily basis varies from one person to the other. Some may require 25 grams or even less amount of carbohydrates in order to lose weight. There are others who can easily lose weight by consuming about 50 or 60 grams on a daily basis.

Here is a list of all the low carb food that you can enjoy. Remember that low carb diet is a high fat diet. So, when you feel hungry, you can eat a lot of fat to curb your hunger.

a) Meat

You can have almost all types of meat whether white or red. Make sure that you don’t eat liver. Also do not include any sort of filler or breading when meat is cooked. You should read label for carb info when using canned meat.

b) Seafood

You can indulge in fish and shellfish

c) Eggs

You can prepare eggs the way you want

d) Cheese

Only 4 ounce per day is allowed.

e) Fat

You can include mayonnaise, butter, cream and margarine in your diet.

f) Vegetable

Only low-starch green vegetables are allowed. Stay away from potatoes, carrots, peas and corns.

g) Fruits

Do not have fruits with high glycerin such as bananas, pineapple, watermelon and pineapple.

About The Author:

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