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1Getting Your Ideal Body Weight

By Sheila Shover

Weight loss and discovering your ideal body weight is not unreasonable. Draw off of the information in this article and get some practical steps you can take to perpetrate your goals.

There seems to be a enormous gap between what women consider to be their ideal body weight is as apposed to what the number is according to a doctor. When you consider your height and your build, the number of pounds that are healthy for you is probably a higher number than you are aiming for if you are dieting. I know that the weight I seem to hold to is what I want is indeed lower than what my doctor is telling me. There is a variation between how you think you want to look in attire and what is healthy for the preservation of good health and longevity.

There are numerous charts online that can give you an idea of what your ideal body weight should be. You have to put in your height, age, and possibly a few more specifics. I am 5 ft 8 in, and the chart tells me that my ideal body weight is around 150 pounds, but I repeatedly think that I need to be somewhere amidst 130 and 140 pounds to feel good about my body. However, I do realize that as long as I am healthy that I am doing the right thing, and if that last ten or so pounds are not a problem for my physician then perhaps I shouldn't worry about it too much.

Here is something you should consider. No matter which way you look at it, 3,500 calories cut is about 1 pound lost. Whether you take in 500 fewer or burn 500 more calories a day, by the end of the week you'll be 1 pound lighter!

When your ideal body weight and your opinion of your body don't balance, you have to think about why that is. I don't mean when you think you want to be a couple pounds lighter than your ideal body weight, I mean when you are trying to be 30 or more pounds lighter. This is not healthy for you, and you have to come to grips with the body you have. If you don't, you may end up with an eating disorder. You may want to set aside some time to speak to your physician or a nutritionist to see what is going on with you, and what you can do to be healthier rather than thinner.

Recognize that you ideal body weight has more to do with health then anything else. This means that the weight that is ideal for you is one that is perfect for your heart and your long term health. This has nothing to do with how you will look in a swimming suit or dress, but the closer you are to your ideal body weight, the better you are going to look and feel. You may not think it's ideal, but it is important to know that your ideal weight will help make sure you are around to watch your children and your grandchildren grow up.

While weight loss can be achieved in may differing procedures. The basic principles are the very similar. Find what works for you and hold fast to it.
